A social media that uplifts the next generation

At Duckling, we give teenagers a creative space to connect and express themselves—without getting caught in endless algorithm traps. While the world bombards young minds with superficial content and unrealistic ideals, we equip them with the tools to share their stories, amplify their voices, and build communities that truly reflect who they are

Social benefit corporation

Transparency is our promise. We steer clear of questionable business models that exploit your data. As a social enterprise, we're dedicated to serving our community.

Ethical algorithms

Unlike traditional social media, our algorithms elevate meaningful content and genuine connections—steering clear of addictive scrolling and popularity contests.

Built together with young people

Developed with insights from thousands of danish high school students, We’re committed to creating a space that young people truly love and want to engage with.

Lær digital literacy and ethics

How do we tell stories that truly enlighten us? At Duckling Academy, young people can they learn storytelling, journalism, digital literacy, and ethics..

Become a member now


Become a member now 〰️

We’ve already launched a successful beta version involving more than 6,000 Danish high school students. Now, we need help to unveil the full version in 2025!

Early bird member

Join early and get access to Duckling at a reduced price.

Lifetime member

Enjoy lifetime access to all future events, content, and premium features.

Our members share stories born of curiosity, compassion, and knowledge. Stories that reveal who we truly are as human beings

Get the app and view more stories or tell your own:

This is our journey, would you like to be part of it?

With your help
we soar higher

  • Members secure our future.

  • Healthy algorithms deliver authentic insight.

  • Duckling Academy: Workshops & mentoring programs come to life.

  • A constructive feedback model is tested with our youth storytellers.

  • Relocating servers to Switzerland to safeguard data.

Thousands of young
people join

  • Hitting the road with workshops at over 30 high schools.

  • More than 6,000 young people download the app

  • Our project proudly receives media support from the Danish Ministry of Culture.

  • We launch a new, enhanced app with Danish high school students as co-designers.

  • The first school magazine through Duckling was launched at a Danish high school.

The journey begins

  • Duckling is registered as a social benefit corporation.

  • Financial backing from the Danish Innovation Fund.

  • A private business angel invests in our vision.

  • We launch our prototype.

  • We hire a new head of technology and a freelance tech team.

  • All communications are secured via Proton and Signal.

There is a problem.
We see a solution

  • An alarming Reuters Institute report shows that young people are turning away from traditional news.

  • Researchers warn that social media is undermining democracy and mental health.

  • A vision takes shape: Can we build a social media platform founded on storytelling and journalism principles?

  • The first prototype is born.

  • High school students test the solution with success.

Featured jedi masters.
A few of the wise people that help us grow:

  • Stine Liv Johansen

    Ph.d. and associate professor at Center for Childrens Literature and Media, Aarhus University. LinkedIn

  • Uffe Elbæk

    Founder of the party Alternativet, Kaospilots, Tomorrow Collective, and former Minister of Culture.

  • Rasmus Kolbe

    Influencer, Investor & Founder of Flimmer. Famous danish youtuber know as “Lakserytteren”.

  • Le Gammeltoft

    Entrepreneur, founder of Heartbeats, interim CCO at Netcompany, board member, and thought leader.

  • Theis Søndergaard

    Co-founder of Vivino, world's largest wine community, investor, enrepreneur.

Our digital community is built on three core values:

  • Let curiosity about the world be the foundation of your storytelling. Strive to understand why people act the way they do—even when you disagree. Avoid falling into stereotypes and honor the beauty of diversity. Reflect on the roots of your own thoughts and actions. Be critical, use reason to discern right from wrong, and always seek visionary ideas and solutions rather than succumbing to cynicism and narrow-mindedness.

  • There’s more that unites us than divides us. We all feel the same fundamental emotions—joy, sorrow, fear, and happiness—and share dreams and ideas that know no borders. Religion, nationality, skin color, appearance, and countless other labels are just layers we put on and take off. Look past the stereotypes to see the person behind the face. By sharing stories that dive beneath the surface, we make space for empathy and vulnerability—and that’s where magical storytelling happpens.

  • One of Duckling’s core missions is to build a shared reality—empowering us to make informed decisions and engage in meaningful debates. At the heart of this mission lies knowledge. We define knowledge as documented experiences and verifiable facts. While having an opinion is perfectly fine, it isn’t knowledge. Remember to differentiate between opinions and proven facts or experiences. Raw data alone doesn’t equate to knowledge—you need to put it into context and offer your interpretation to turn it into knowledge and wisdom. Embrace nuance, treat all sources fairly, and be transparent about your own biases.

Hello, we are the founders of Duckling, and this is our vision:

More about our founders:

  • Bjarke Calvin Winding

    CEO - Has had a long career in media and technology. Former Executive Editor with Magnum Photos in NYC and a fellow at MIT and Constructive Institute. A global thought leader in interactive storytelling.

  • Kamilla Gamborg Isaksen

    EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Kamilla has been part of building a youth desk at Danish broadcaster TV2 Funen and worked at the youth desk of DR (Danish Broadcasting Corporation). She was a fellow at Constructive Institute.

  • Magnus Stuart Juul

    CTO – Holds a BEng in Software Technology. He co-founded and built a broadcast planning program for a significant Danish broadcaster (TV2 Funen). He worked as a consultant with Twoday IT-Minds.